Friday, November 30, 2012

List of verb to go + gerund (activities)

Group 14: Activities

Also: go swimming   I go swimming every evening. 

Wrong: go eating, go cooking, etc.

38. go roller skating/blading   I used to go roller skating every weekend.
                                Now, I go roller blading.
39. go dancing      He goes dancing every weekend. He WENT DANCING Sunday.
40. go fishing      We went fishing with our father when we were young.
41. go sightseeing  We went sightseeing and saw Rockefeller Center.
42. go shopping/window shopping   We'll go shopping for groceries tomorrow.
                                  I love to go window shopping on Fifth Avenue.
43. go hiking       He'll go hiking in the Catskill Mountains next March.
44. go skiing       did you go skiing in Aspen last week? How was the snow?
45. go camping      We're going camping soon. Get a tent and sleeping bag.
46. go sailing      We went sailing, but there wasn't any wind on the lake.
47. go boating      We went boating in the bay, but we ran out of gas.
48. go ice-skating  The lake has frozen over. Let's go ice-skating.
49. go jogging      I can't go jogging until I find my sneakers.
50. go hunting      My father went hunting. He brought home two ducks.

To see a semantic classification of all the verbs that accept go before them,  and take the -ING suffix, click HERE.

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